
LightZone is a non-destructive editor - any of the tools can be re-adjusted or modified later (even in a different editing session). A tool stack can even be copied to a batch of photos at one time. Once you load your JPEG or RAW image, you can choose from a variety of ready-to-use styles for Detail Enhancement, Effects, High Contrast, HDR.

You probably already knowthat Lightroom, LightZone, and Phototheca are quite popular when it comes to photo editing and management servicessoftware. If you know someone that edits photography or such, then they’re most likely using one of thesethree pieces of software.

  1. Only SageGlass LightZone® provides you with the ability to create up to three tint zones within a single pane of glass to let in exactly the right amount of light and block the sun as needed. SageGlass LightZone augments personal comfort while maintaining a connection to the.
  2. Adjusting color balance. The Color Balance tool allows you to adjust the color balance of your photo around a specified point of the tonal range. Additionally, the Color Balance tool also allows you to reduce color casts by selecting neutral gray points, that is points that you want to be neutral gray in your photo. Reducing color casts is most easily done for photos that were taken under.

Let’s take a short look atthe services provided by each of the mentioned software.

  • Lightroom Features and Capabilities

LightZone Features and Capabilities

We’ve mentioned a bit of what LightZone can do, but we’ve just scratched the surface. Given that it is one of the most famous pieces of photo editing software out there, it comes equipped with impressive features and capabilities.

Naturally, one of the best features of LightZone is the relight tool. When you have a photo open in the software, you can press the relight tool and have your photo analyzed. Then, the software will make any necessary enhancements to in – in short, one-touch photo enhancing.

So, let’s take a closer look at what LightZone can do!

  • Unlimited Layers – you can apply as many effects asyou want to a photo.
  • Non-Destructive Operational Layers – you can alwaysturn the layers on or off or access your original photo.
  • Raw File Support – you don’t have to convert thephotos from your digital camera.
  • The Relight Tool – as mentioned above, one of the mostpowerful features of this software; one-touch photo enhancing.
  • Intuitive User Interface
  • Two Interface Sections – Browse and Edit
  • Styles Option – one-click quick-fix tools

Lightroom Features and Capabilities

Lightzone 2018

As you may know, Lightroom is one of the most popular photo editing software, mainly because it is related to Adobe. However, there are a lot of people that prefer using different software, stating that Lightroom doesn’t come with as many features as they’d want it to.

Starstax mac download. For example, even though it comes with excellent photo editing tools, the user cannot rename a photo or edited version via the software. On top of that, it has fewer features compared to its “cousin” – Lightroom Classic.

  • Multiple, Diverse Photo Editing Tools
  • Full-Resolution Photo Library
  • Access to the photos you have on various devices
  • Web Auto Backup
  • Good Help System
  • Intuitive Interface
  • Non-Destructive Editing without Layers
  • Library Integration
  • Graduated Filter
  • Crop Overlay Tool
  • Web Export

Which Is Better – LightZone or Lightroom?

So, here we are – LightZone versus Lightroom – which one isbetter?

If we were to analyze the LightZone vs Lightroom battle, the winner would probably be the former. As mentioned above, LightZone is quite similar to Lightroom – but it comes for free.

For example, both pieces ofsoftware come with non-destructive photo editing. This means that you canchoose both LightZone and Lightroomfor projects that require you to keep the original photo intact.

The same applies to theirfeatures and capabilities. Despite being open-source software, LightZone isstill able to impress, primarily via the Relight tool that it has.

Both apps have theiradvantages and disadvantages. When choosing LightZone or Lightroom, you must also take into account the typeof project that you are working on. For example, between the two, Lightroomdoesn’t allow multiple layers for non-destructive editing, while LightZonedoes.

In this respect, we maythink of LightZone as being a tad betterthan Lightroom, mainly because of the several one-touch enhancing tools and theability to work on multiple layers.

Why Is Phototheca Better than LightZone and Lightroom?

Now, let’s take a look atthe final alternative in termsof good photo editing software – namely, Phototheca. If you take some time tofind a review of this software,you will find out that it’s not actually behind LightZone or Lightroom.

Phototheca is, in many ways, better than the other two pieces of software we’ve just mentioned.

First of all, Phototheca hasvarious capabilities – when it comes to what you can effectively do with it. Inthis respect, you can import with intelligence, share your work, enjoymetadata and photo tagging, instant search and browse photos, organize photos, view photos, as wellas take advantage of some extra features.

Lightzone Vs Lightroom

  • In terms of viewing capabilities, you can switch the software to full-screen with a single click, access bird-eye view of your thumbnails, enjoy dual view feature, and run a slideshow with your favorite photos.
  • When it comes to extras, Phototheca has duplicates detection software that helps you detect all the duplicates in your library and safely remove them.
  • You can also protect some of your photos with the help of a password protected Safe-boxes.
  • The Smart Album feature is an album that is automatically populated according to certain specified conditions.
  • The Timeline feature shows you the number of photos in a specific timeframe. You can also change the scale and review how many and when photos are taken.
  • Phototheca also allows you to fix incorrect timestamps. In case of a missed camera setup, you can do a batch time shift for several images in just one take.

As you can see, Photothecabrings much more to the table in comparison to LightZone or Lightroom. This isbecause the last two are mostly only photo editing software and, in mostcases, don’t allow you to work more with your photos.

While Lightroom won’t allowyou to rename photos, you don’t have to worry about such a thing when usingPhototheca.

Lightzone Photography


As soon as you download Phototheca 3, you will have the power to edit your photos, add them in a library, create albums, import and export them wherever you want, create a collection, run slideshows, and so much more.

Phototheca is the photo organizing software for PC. It gives the way to organize thousands of family photos over decades into the clean and straightforward photo library.


Phototheca can find and remove all duplicates, adjust the date and time of photos, tag photos with keywords, recognize faces, and organize photos into life events. See all Features of the software.

Computer programming and digital photography enthusiast. Make programs for the last 20 years. Interested in product design, UX, and image processing.
Work for Lunarship Software and improve Phototheca every day.