Heavy Ad Intervention

Google has said it will release a default setting to block advertisements that violate its heavy ad intervention policy by the end of August. Sources tell AdExchanger those new policies coincide with the release of Chrome 85, which is scheduled for Tuesday.

Google declined to confirm exactly when the ad intervention changes will go live, but stated they would be deployed in late August 2020 in a May blog post. A Google developer confirmed the timeline on a Chromium message board.

By Chrome’s standards, “heavy ads” consume more than 4MBs of network data or 60 seconds of total CPU.

While just 0.3% of ads exceed these thresholds, they account for 27% of overall network data consumed by ads, as well as 28% of total ad CPU usage. Google cites ads that mine cryptocurrency or host mini-games as examples of data-hungry ads.

For ad tech companies that have already cut down on network and CPU use in their ad units to improve the user experience, the impact of Chrome’s changes will be limited, said Jeremy Arditi, chief commercial officer at Teads.

Heavy Ad Intervention

Well, heavy ad intervention Edge flag removes the ads from the web page that consumes your PC resources. However, it doesn’t block the ads completely. It only blocks the unusual ads on the web. You may need to install the extension to block ads completely. The 'heavy ad intervention' system here is meant to reduce Chrome's network and CPU footprint. According to Google software engineer John Delaney in a post on Google Groups: 'As this is a significant intervention, we intend to roll it out gradually throughout the month of September in Chrome M85. Heavy Ad Intervention While Google is not about to wipe ads off its browser, it is making some strides to rein in the more intrusive. A new feature called Heavy Ad Intervention will block any ads.

Heavy Ad Intervention Edge

“Low file sizes and minimal CPU usage are things we’ve been considering for years,” he said, “so we’re aligned with the motivation.”

But companies that rely on long-form videos and rich media ad units may be impacted, as well companies serving or hosting ads that are overstuffed with tags. Unprepared companies risk wasting their clients’ budgets on blocked ad units.

Heavy ad intervention default

Publishers that rely on long-form videos and rich media ad units will also feel the consequences.

After Google announced the changes in May, a BuzzFeed developer posted on a Chromium message board that heavy ad interventions posed a “massive risk in that over 50% of our video ads could be affected from serving on Chrome.”

The developer said BuzzFeed didn’t have enough bandwidth to handle the added reporting requirements around ad interventions, and reported inconsistencies in how interventions were deployed.

“This is a VERY high priority for us as we have a lot of client revenue tied to these video products,” the developer wrote.

Chrome’s heavy ad intervention policy goes into effect as browsers take more control over the online advertising ecosystem.

Chrome announced in January it would phase out third-party cookies in two years, and Apple said it would block IDFA usage without proper consent shortly after. Apple’s Safari desktop browser has blocked third-party cookies since 2017.

Download windows 10 from mac. “Ad Manager and DV 360 folks who we speak to on a regular basis don’t seem to have a good grasp of what the Chrome engineers and product folks are doing,” Teads’ Arditi said. “It’s been a source of frustration for publishers and advertisers.”

Now a days, there are many websites which makes heavy use of advertisements on the webpage. Chrome 38 mac download. Some have so many ads that it even ruins the user experience. It also makes use of system resources, chewing up memory and CPU cycles.


There are some popular third-party ad blockers available for web browsers which can block ads on the websites. However, if you are among those who don’t want to use ad blockers, then there are some good news for you if you are a Chrome users.

With the latest Chrome 80 web browser, Google has tried to make the user experience on websites less ads intrusive through a feature named Heavy Ad Intervention. The feature is designed to block the most annoying ads that use the most system resources.

Here is a simple walkthrough to enable Heavy Ad Intervention on Chrome browser.

How to enable Heavy Ad Intervention on Chrome


  • First of all, make sure that you are using the latest version of Google Chrome, i.e. Chrome 80. You can do so by clicking on the hamburger menu on top right side on Chrome and going to Help > About Google Chrome
  • Once that is confirmed, you’ll now have to change options via Flags
  • In the address bar, write “chrome://flags/#enable-heavy-ad-intervention” and click Enter
  • Now, choose the option “Enabled” on the button that is to the right of “Heavy Ad Intervention” option
  • After you click enable, it will warn that the feature will be activated after the browser gets restarted
  • Click on the Relaunch button to restart Chrome and enable the fetaure